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SADC Vallée-de-la-Gatineau Annual Report

annual report 2020-2021

2022-2023 Report

The Valley has all it needs to diversify its economy. The keen interest in our territory has given us hope that our population will not stagnate. Quite the opposite is true – it is projected to grow. This will stimulate our economy across the region, and we hope it will be sustainable. It will position us as an attractive and distinctive region with a pleasant living environment and a prosperous economy. That is why we in SADC believe the future of our territory is quite bright and is in keeping with our aspirations and actions that we have been promoting for quite some time.

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annual report 2020-2021

2021-2022 Report

The pandemic brought major change to our societies and organizations. In the spring of 2022, we went through our 6th wave of COVID-19 in two years.
Although this produced far fewer impacts in terms of numerous business closures and health restrictions, it was nonetheless a fact that we had to abide by government requirements to reduce the risks associated with the spread of the virus.
Of course, we are hoping this wave will be the last one and that we will be able to move on to something else and return to a normal life, thereby consigning this pandemic to history.
Economically, our society fared relatively well. However, threats did appear and heightened the challenges we have to deal with.

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annual report 2020-2021

2020-2021 Report

The pandemic forced us to change and adopt new behaviours in our organizations. Technology swept in like a tidal wave in the way it affected our habits and customs and the way we do things. In past years, technology was gradually brought into organizations and was dictated by their capacity and willingness to include them, but the pandemic required us to fast-track this transformation. There is now a feeling of urgency and a need to integrate technologies. The new ways of communicating and exchanging with others, whether it is through teleworking, webinars, videoconferences, social media, electronic signatures, the growth of platforms, etc., have forever changed the way we operate, and there’s no going back. In short, we have taken a gigantic step forward in the space of a few months by adapting to this new reality.

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annual report 2019-2020

2019-2020 Report

The 2019-2020 fiscal year will go down in history for reasons we are all aware of. Two events this year marked the GVSADC. First, we renewed our collaboration agreements with the federal government by signing a new 5-year contract. This will enhance our operating budgets and also enable us to diversify the services we offer to the community along with local economic development (LED) and local initiative measures (LIM) budgets. This funding enables us to pursue the commitments we have already made and provide for other local development activities in our communities. Who could have predicted in early 2020 that we would be weeks a way from an event reported in China, which would completely disrupt our economies and lifestyles; and compromise the health of our fellow citizens. The pandemic forced us, as citizens, to isolate and call a halt to the vast majority of our economic activities, here and everywhere else on the planet.

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rapport 2018 2019 th fr

2018-2019 Report

It appeared clear to us that better integration of our territorial economies through exchanges within the Outaouais will have a bearing on the development of our territories.... It is certainly in the interest of territories in the Outaouais and their business communities to learn more about one another and intensify their exchanges by taking advantage of their relative proximity.

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rapport 2017 2018 th en

2017-2018 Report

In the next few months, the SADC intends to pursue the work already done in developing business ties with the Ottawa-Gatineau CMA, among others, by searching for potential commercial vacationing investors and by encouraging companies on the territory to use information technologies and communications to expand their geographic markets. The May 29 AGM also provided an opportunity to present the results of the last year when investments of $738,747 were made in businesses on the territory.

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rapport vg th 2016 en

2016-2017 Report

Thanks to our dynamic entrepreneurs in the region, the Société d’aide au développement des collectivités de la Vallée-de-la-Gatineau (SADC) turned in a record year.

Loans totalling close to $1.5M were issued to companies in the last year, which is double the annual average amount of investment in the past ten years.

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